It’s easy to get in the habit of eating lunch at your desk or making lunch while working at home. Over the past few years, it’s no surprise that many work environments have shifted to being less personal while working remotely. We’ve researched why taking the time out of your busy day to eat lunch with a colleague whether at work during a working lunch or offsite, is beneficial for all.
- Increased productivity Eating lunch is important. Eating a healthy lunch is even more so. When we eat a healthy lunch, we’re re-fueling our bodies with the nutrients we need to get us through the day. In fact, those who enjoy a healthy meal for lunch are 150% more productive and are 46% more focused throughout the afternoon.
- Better Meetings Scheduling a meeting over lunch leads to fantastic results. It first sets an incentive for attending the meeting and also forces the meeting to be succinct and dive right into the important points. This saves everyone time and frustration.
- Collaboration Among Employees Working relationships tend to be stronger when there are personal connections between people. These connections can be challenging to find when we’re busy throughout the day, which is why corporate lunch catering is also a good solution.
- Decreased Employee Turnover Job dissatisfaction is the number one reason for employee turnover in a company. More employees would prefer new or additional benefits over a pay raise. Millenials in particular have a hankering for food, especially healthier options. As they’ve now surpassed Generation X as the largest generation in the U.S. workforce, it’s beneficial to pay attention to their desires.
- Everyone’s Happy! A free lunch is not only a great benefit for employees, having a corporate lunch catered ensures that everyone will be happy.
Gaetano’s offers both catering and a comfortable, relaxed environment for dining. Call 310-326-3354 to inquire about catering with one of our managers.
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